/ Smart Grid Center > Smart Grid Mini-Workshop, TAMU, September 8, 2015

Smart Grid Mini-Workshop, TAMU, September 8, 2015

Theme: Large-Scale Testbed Implementation for Smart Grids

Time: September 8, 2015, 12-2:30pm

Location: 324 WEB

Goals and Objectives

The ongoing testbed development at A&M:

  • Discussion of diverse research areas in power systems, power electronics, communications, signal processing, computer systems, cybersecurity, privacy, VLSI design, optimization, big data, geosciences, civil engineering, mechanical engineering, aerospace engineering, landscape architecture, visualization, electricity markets, etc. that may be supported by the testbed development;
  • Potential funding opportunities for multidisciplinary research using testbeds

If you are interested in participating, contact Dr. Mladen Kezunvoic ([email protected]; 979.845.7509)


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Thanks to the Workshop Sponsors:
