The project titled “Timing Intrusion Management Ensuring Resiliency – TIMER” has been funded by the Department of Energy (DOE), National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) through the Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability’s Cybersecurity of Energy Delivery Systems (CEDS) program. In total, this project will cost $4,429,451. The research team is led by Dr. Mladen Kezunovic (Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering) in collaboration with Dr. Alex Sprintson (Associate Professor, ECE) and Dr. Jyh-Charn (Steve) Liu (Professor, Computer Science & Engineering). Partnering organizations on this project are Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Idaho Power Company, and Alstom/GE Grid Solutions. In this 3-year project starting in September 2016, tools and detection methods will be developed “to further strengthen cybersecurity of precise synchronized timing to help ensure the resiliency of synchrophasor applications and legacy energy management systems” as it is expressed briefly in the DOE award announcement on the awarded projects. The detailed project summary can be accessed here.
An article posted by the Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station’s (TEES) on the project may be viewed here.
More research projects conducted by the collaborators of the Smart Grid Center can be viewed here.