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Smart Grid Student Symposium


The inaugural event of the Smart Grid Student Symposium will be held at Texas A&M University on April 29th, 2016. This student-led Symposium will provide a forum to discuss  valuable lessons learnt from the fourth annual Smart Grid Workshop organized around the theme “Smart Grids Big Data” to be held on April 28th, 2016. Moreover, the Symposium will offer an opportunity for students to present research results in 10-minutes talks in addition to poster presentations to be given on the previous day. The best three combined oral and poster presentations will be awarded.

The program of the Symposium can be viewed here, and the details of this event can be found here.  To register with a poster for the fourth Smart Grid Workshop, go here (deadline April 21th, 2016); for the Smart Grid Student Symposium, go here (deadline April 25th, 2016).

For more information, contact Mr. Payman Dehghanian (979.587.3095, [email protected]) or Mr. Po-Chen Chen (734.604.7470, [email protected]).

Faculty advisors: Dr. Le Xie, Associate Professor (ECE, TAMU) and Dr. Mladen Kezunovic, Professor (ECE, TAMU)

Winners of the Competitions:

1st Prize for Best Poster and Presentation Award: Mr. Mohammad Tasdighi
2nd Prize for Best Poster and Presentation Award: Miss Tatjana Dokic
1st Prize Award for Smart Grid Phone App Contest: Shantanu Bansal, Xinbo Geng, Kiyeob Lee, Yuanyuan Li, Hao Ming, Bainan Xia, Yuqi Zhou, Dr. Le Xie, Dr. Srinivas Shakkottai

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