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/ Smart Grid Center > Events > Webinar on 7/13/2022: An Approach for the Direct Inclusion of Weather Information in the Power Flow

Webinar on 7/13/2022: An Approach for the Direct Inclusion of Weather Information in the Power Flow

At 3 p.m. CDT on July 13, 2022, Thomas J. Overbye, Ph.D., O’Donnell Foundation Chair III professor at Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, TAMU, and director of TEES Smart Grid Center, is going to present the webinar titled “An Approach for the Direct Inclusion of Weather Information in the Power Flow”.


While it is widely recognized that weather impacts the power flow, historically weather information has only been implicitly included in this analysis. This presentation provides an approach for the direct inclusion of weather information in the power flow.  Key issues addressed include the availability of weather information sufficient for power flow analysis, the mapping of weather information to electric grid components, a flexible and extensible modeling approach for relating weather values to the power flow models, and the visualization of the weather impacts on the results. The approach is demonstrated on several different electric grids ranging in size from 7000 to 82,000 buses covering geographic footprints up the contiguous US.  Results are shown using weather data from several thousand stations ranging between the 1940’s and present day including comparing the cold weather that impacted Texas in 2021 with what occurred in January of 1949.


Thomas J. Overbye is a Professor and holder of the O’Donnell  Foundation Chair III in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Texas A&M University (TAMU), and the Director of TEES Smart Grid Center.  Prior to joining TAMU he was a Professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He received his BS, MS, and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Before starting his academic career he was employed with Madison Gas and Electric Company. He is the original developer of PowerWorld Simulator, a co-founder of PowerWorld Corporation, an author of a widely used Power System Analysis and Design book, and is a member of the US National Academy of Engineering.

More information on his research is posted here.

His publications are posted here.