The Power Systems Engineering Research Center (PSERC) of the National Science Foundation held its semi-annual Industry Advisory Board (IAB) meeting at Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas, on December 2-4, 2015. PSERC is a university-industry collaboration of 13 universities and 38 industries focusing on research and education needs in the electric power industry. The IAB, composed of PSERC’s industry members, meets twice per year with PSERC researchers and students to conduct PSERC business, and to discuss the research and education activities of the Center.
The host university for the IAB meeting was the Texas A&M University where Mladen Kezunovic is the PSERC site director.
Attendees: There were 156 registrants as it follows.
• 37 industry and government
• 42 university faculty and staff
• 77 students.
The meeting announcement and more on PSERC can be viewed here.
The poster session featured 22 posters. Awards were granted to winning poster presenters:
Qiuhua Huang, ASU – Establishing Software – Project “Hybrid Time Domain Simulation: Application to Fault Induced Delayed Voltage Recovery” (S-58).
From left to right: Flora Flygt (Outgoing IAB Chair, American Transmission Co.), Qiuhua Huang (PhD candidate, ASU), Dr. Vijay Vittal (PSERC Director, ASU)
Nan Li, ASU – Project “Markets for Ancillary Services in the Presence of Stochastic Resources” (M-31).
Siming Guo, UIUC – Project “Load Model Complexity Analysis and Real-Time Load Tracking” (S-60).
From left to right: Flora Flygt (Outgoing IAB Chair, American Transmission Co.), Dr. Vijay Vittal (PSERC Director, ASU), and Hao Zhu (PI, Associate Professor, UIUC).
Ahad Esmaeilian, Tamara Becejac, Payman Dehghanian, Cheng Qian, Meng Wu, and Mladen Kezunovic all collaborated on the poster titled “Management of Mission-Critical Systems through Certification, Commissioning, In-Service Maintenance, Remote Testing, and Risk Assessment”.
From left to right: Flora Flygt (Outgoing IAB Chair, American Transmission Co.), Dr. Vijay Vittal (PSERC Director, Professor, ASU), Tamara Becejac (PhD Candidate, TAMU), Meng Wu (PhD candidate, TAMU), Payman Dehghanian (PhD Candidate, TAMU), and Dr. Mladen Kezunovic (Director, Smart Grid Center, Professor, TAMU)
More photos:
Day 1, including the Job Fair
Day 2, including the Poster Session
Day 3.
Thanks to the Workshop Sponsors: