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Upcoming Tutorial: Synchrophasor Standards (SGSMA 2019)

The IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Synchronized Measurements and Analytics 2019 (IEEE SGSMA 2019) will be held in College Station, Texas on May 20-23, 2019. There will be an afternoon tutorial on May 20, 2019 discussing Synchrophasor Standards.

The first standard, IEEE 1344, codified the technology as it was first introduced. As deployment proceeded, needs were discovered and the landmark IEEE C37.118 was developed, addressing both measurement and data communication. This standard became the cornerstone of most synchrophasor systems in operation today. To support that development, guides for measurement aspects, timing, installation, testing, data concentration, and data storage were also developed. As technology development continued, these guides and standards are being revised and moved to standards where needed. This tutorial will provide an overview of this history, address key points in the present standards, and survey aspects of future development.

The presenters are as follows:

Allen R. Goldstein– chair of the IEEE Conformity Assessment Program (ICAP) Synchrophasor Conformity Assessment Committee, chair of IEEE Power and Energy Society Power Systems Relaying Committee (PES PSRC) C23, vice chair of the joint IEC/IEEE TC95 JWG1 committee which authored the joint synchrophasor standard. He is also vice chair and member of several other IEEE PES working group.


Kenneth Martin– Principal Engineer with the Electric Power Group (EPG)





Veselin Skendzic–  Principal Research Engineer with Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc.